Robust MLS Projection Operator for Point Clouds

In this research, we propose a robust projection operator for noisy point clouds with outliers. The operator is an extension of Moving Least Square (MLS) projection and inherits its smoothing property. A key idea is to compute average positions and projection directions to prevent the influence of outliers. This is done by a kind of median-filtering operation. In all our experiments, our operator has been able to eliminate outliers well compared with previously-proposed projection operators, and is also able to reconstruct clean and smooth meshes from filtered point clouds.

Model courtesy of Suzuki Lab., University of Tokyo


  • Hiroaki Kawata, Takashi Kanai: “Robust MLS Projection Operator for Point Clouds”, The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.40, No.4 (Special Issue on Visual Computing), pp.558-567, 2011.
  • Hiroaki Kawata, Takashi Kanai: “Median-filtered Projection Operator for Point Clouds”, 2010 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (Jeju, Korea, 25-28 August), pp.421-424, 2010.