Interactive Physically-based Animation for Dense Meshes


In this paper we describe an interactive physically-based animation system for dense meshes. Our method extracts a coarse mesh from an original mesh to make a tetrahedral mesh for the reduction of computational costs. For computing reaction forces we precompute penetration depth values and gradients at mesh vertices by creating a distance field. They are interpolated when collisions are detected and are used for the calculation of forces with a penalty method. Our method can handle dense meshes with physically-based animation and collision response at interactive frame rates.


  • Ryo Kondo, Takashi Kanai: “Interactive Physically-Based Animation System for Dense Meshes”, Proc. Eurographics 2004 short paper presentation (Grenoble, France, Aug. 30 – Sep. 3), pp.93-96, 2004, [paper (Adobe PDF) (450KB)]
